Enhance spinal health care with automated chiropractic notes

PatientNotes empowers chiropractors to efficiently manage patient records, treatment plans, and progress notes, improving care quality and outcomes in spinal health.

Chiropractors Boost Efficiency with AI-Powered Documentation

Chiropractors find PatientNotes invaluable for efficiently documenting adjustments and patient progress, saving time and enhancing the quality of clinical notes, which ultimately improves patient care.

Create detailed chiropractic notes instantly for better patient outcomes

Chiropractors can quickly generate comprehensive, individualized session notes with PatientNotes, maximizing time spent on patient care and minimizing time on administrative tasks.

Recommended Chiropractic Care Plans

Chiropractors provide clear, actionable care plans post-adjustment, empowering patients with a written guide to spinal health maintenance and recovery.

Streamline Chiropractic Reports and Referrals

Simplify the creation of detailed treatment reports and patient referrals, enhancing efficiency in your chiropractic practice.

Integrates with the existing PMS in your chiropractic practice

PatientNotes seamlessly integrates with your current Practice Management System, helping chiropractors maintain detailed and accurate documentation with ease.

Access chiropractic notes anywhere

PatientNotes is accessible on all devices, ensuring chiropractors can manage patient records during in-clinic sessions, home visits, and telehealth consultations.

iPhone app

iPad app



Microsoft Teams


Google Meet (using PatientNotes Mac App)

Protecting patient health data with confidence

At PatientNotes robust security measures create the strong immune system we know is vital to your patient's healthcare data. We know medical information is sensitive, and we’ve fortified PatientNotes with cutting-edge security measures to safeguard your clinical consults and notes.

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Transform the medical reporting in your practice, elevate the standard of patient care and bolster effective communication among healthcare professionals.